Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Chapstick has taken on new significance, and I didn't even realize it.

When I was in labor with Morgen, I needed chapstick really bad...all that breathing, you know! I happened to have on in my purse, so I was good to go. I applied and reapplied several times while I was in labor.

The other day, while at the gym, I was on the treadmill and breathing thru my mouth... I needed chapstick...That's when I realized that forever, chapstick will remind my of Morgen, or at least the weekend I said goodbye to her.

Yesterday marked three months since our loss. I had a rough day on Sunday. I just woke up ready to weep. By the time Andy (our pastor) asked me how I was doing on my birthday, I couldn't hold them in anymore. It was definitely a ten-kleenex (if not more) day. By afternoon, though, I had a beautiful call from a beautiful soon to be new mom, and I honestly felt better after talking to her...because she is someone I don't have to hide the negative feelings from. I am really blessed to have a few of those women in my life and one incredible husband that doesn't duck from my tears...I just wish those women were in my immediate vicinity!!

Kathy, Chana, Heather.... thank you. Need I say more?

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