Monday, June 27, 2005

Love and Respect

What are we to do when the most valuable of relationships is hurting because of our own selfish needs?
Why can't we let go of OUR needs to meet the needs of the other person without feeling cheated or like we aren't being valued "enough"?
GOD! Help me to shed these selfish feelings and just love for Love's sake.

On a similar note, why can't we be vulnerable to the One who has our best interests at heart, letting Him take the good, bad and the ugly and turning it into the Grand and Beautiful? What are we so afraid of? Would it be so bad to bring up the yucky stuff long enough to get rid of it?

And if we DO let down our guard long enough to let God do what He does best, how do we get to that place? We let Him take us there and reveal, restructure and renew.

Oh, am I philosophical today, or what?
And yet, Truth is Truth!

Monday, June 06, 2005


Why do we as women accept the myth that we can never measure up?
Who is setting the standard?

We were never CREATED to have to be the perfect mom, most accomplished athlete, most successful businesswoman AND the smartest, most organized person in our world....

God's standard is SO different...He created us just out of the abundance of His heart, because He wanted us to share in a love relationship with Him...not some kinky, gross, thing....just a beautiful, fulfilling, relationship that completes us....filling that yearning, the empty spot that nothing can else can satisfy.

Instead, we let oursleves get caught up in the scarring things that were said or done to us when we were young, and we believe that we aren't beautiful, that we aren't capable or beautiful unless we are a size 4 with think, flowing hair and perfect skin, and have every duck in a row and perfect children.


more on this later, my friends....