Monday, April 20, 2009

There is a girl at our church that just lives to make her life more complicated and make sure everyone knows about it.  Nary a positive conversation with her.... I find it hard to love her, but am trying desperately to do so, and to help her...  when she makes comments about ways that make her life more difficult, I try to (teasingly, lovingly, yet motherly/sturnly) tell her that she is doing it to herself and direct her to a better way.   She hasn't had an easy life by any stretch, (who of us has?) but she makes it so much worse with her behaviors. 
Why am I talking about this??  I guess for a couple of reasons... I need to find a way to love her more... I need to pray for her more.  I wonder if you have someone in your life that is "difficult" and wonder how you deal with them.


Christina Lowery said...

Perhaps inviting her over to dinner every now and then - she may live in a negative environment. Get her around happier people...a loving family like yours so that maybe she'll see a new perspective.

Keep speaking the truth of God's word over her and to her - it will sink in eventually!!

Shanygne said...

Kina, You are definitely better at handling difficult ppl than I am!! I have SUCH a hard time having a relationship with her... I just want to shake her. Can't do that... she has a tendency to take over any conversation with her negativity. I don't want to step on her toes or hurt her, but she is in ehr 30's and just doesn't even get that someone else might have something to say... I better quit before this becomes too gossipy...

sonogirl said...

Are you talking about me again?

Just kidding (I hope)!

So how are you doing this coupon thing and saving so much money. We need a tutorial please!


Rachel said...

hey you - can you email me your physical address?

Love you!

Lynda said...

Hey, I just sent you a message on xanga. I don't know how to send one here :)

sonogirl said...

Hey, I just got your comment on xanga. I wasn't sure where to leave a reply!

If you're looking for a book for Blake, anything curious George would be a hit.

I'm off to continue sweating to death. It's been about a million degrees here for the past few weeks. Being nine months pregnant with no air conditioning in a million degree heat is a bad combo!