Thursday, April 26, 2007

A new post!?!

Yeah, I figured if anyone still check in here, you deserve a new post!

I have less than 10 weeks before I can squeeze this little one inside of me... I am excited, nervous, and delirious...

Excited to see the culmination of God's handiwork. To look into those eyes and love on this little baby girl.

Nervous, because I am not sure how I will react. Will I look at her, wondering about Morgen? Will I expect more out of her because she wouldn't even BE if Morgen hadn't died? Will I be able to hold onto Morgen, and still love this precious baby the way she deserves to be loved?
Maybe all of the above at one time or another.... but I do know that God is so much bigger and more gracious than I. That He will hold me.\

Nervous also because we don't have much for this little girl t come home to... All of our large purchases for baby came when we had Emily more than 8 years ago and they are all falling apart, after going thru Emily, Ethan and a couple friends' kids... SO, we have some new purchases to make.. hoping the money will hold out and God will help us out with some great deals.

Delirious, because I have been sick, and have horrible allergies this season. I am experiencing a little relief, due the the purchase of Claritin, but I hate putting things in my body... I wouldn't be doing it if I hadn't been so miserable for more than a week.

Delirious with joy because little Katie is a mover and a shaker... she love to tumble and roll, kick and push... and to a mom who has lost that feeling once before and wonders if every kick could be the last one, it is a joy.

Yeah, her name is Katherine Faith. Katherine means "pure"... and the faith part is to go along with Morgen's middle name of Grace. Since Emily and Ethan have the "E" thing going together, I wanted to last two to have something in common, too... We have decided to call her Kate or Katie...but Emily wants to call her Kit or KitKat. I told her she is welcome to do that... I am sure this little girl will have all kinds of loving nicknames...

So, yeah.. in less than 10 weeks we will have another miracle to celebrate!


Lisa H said...

Hey there! I just popped over to see if you had posted something new and you have! I'm glad! I got your note about your baby's name--it's beautiful! As far as our little girl, we aren't quite decided yet. It's not that it's a secret, we just haven't committed to anything yet! Sam's favorite name right now is Madison (with the nickname of Maddie) and my favorite is Katherine (with the nickname of Kate). Isn't that funny? So obviously, I LOVE your choice of name for your daughter! And no matter what we choose for a first name, we're using Mary as a middle name (which is both my mom and Sam's mom's first name). :)

Laura said...

I think we are getting delirious and nervous with excitment too! Oh my arms ache sometimes to hold this baby in my arms. Perfectly beautiful name....we haven't been able to go to the name place yet! Zoe is convinced that the name will be "Cherry". Counting down with you. xoxox

Stolmit said...


Beth said...

Beautiful! You are so blessed!

clever[art] said...

Hey, where you at? Giving birth? Maybe. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

ooo nice. KitKat it is. :) love that. tell Em that it's perfect. a sweet treat name for a sweet baby girl.

Anonymous said...

btw- that anonymous..? that was me. :)


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