Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Here comes the sun!

Wow...I feel like a new person.
I am not exactly sure what happened, but Friday, there was breakthrough.

The clouds have parted and I can see Light again!

I have discovered a few things:
The pain that Adrienne and Jason are going thru was a small catalyst that added to my distress...
That Worship music is soothing to the soul.
That my friends are amazing...

thank you to those of you that prayed, that sent me emails, encouraging and hiney-kicking...

God is so faithful!


Laura said...

Keep walking in the light! I am proud of you! Praying for you. Hugs to you....L

Beth said...

So glad you're doing better! Hang in there, Friend! : )

Heather said...

it was so good to hear. i am so thankful that the light is pouring through...

Julie said...

I hope this isnt too bold of me, but I found your blog through comments you left on Jason and Adrienne's. I too have lost a baby due to an umbilical cord accident and have found an ob/gyn who is an expert on the subject. He even offers a monitoring program for subsequent pregnancies.
Anyway, I'm not sure if this is the right thing for me to do as I dont want to cause you anymore undue stress, but I have found some peace of mind through this information.
If you want more information, please dont hesitate to contact me.

My kids are cuter than yours... said...

Hey Shanygne - hope you're doing better!

Wanted to let you know I put up a pic of me, Jess and Justin on my blogger page - thought you might get a kick out of it after all these years!

Anonymous said...

I found your comment on Noah's site which I have been reading since mid-January. I was probably "drawn to you" in sharing the same loss as we share with Adrienne...
Please don't be so hard on yourself for your hard moments... God knows we are only human and we suffer terribly over the loss of our children even though we don't doubt for an instant that they are in the best place possible - Heaven. But we are here without them and we have to go through all the stages of grief.

NOah's blog and death hit me hard as we were coming up on our beautiful daughter's 3rd birthday in February. In fact it made memories so fresh and so raw I was unable to sleep for 3 days and was phycially sick mourning for them, for NOah and for myself again.

God eases your pain in time - never completely takes it away. But we were blessed with a new baby (unplanned) quickly after Lauren's death and I had many of the same feelings you do. The guilt over not being "good enough" to this baby and afraid to love this little one too much while Lauren was watching from Heaven - I could go on and on. But keep on trusting in the Lord because even though we don't get it, He knows what he is doing. And that new baby growing inside of you will never be Morgen - her place can never be filled, but you will be so amazed and full and surprised over what new love and joy this new one gives you. We could not imagine life without our little Grey, but his sister's hole in our hearts remains. But God gave us the most incredible beautiful little boy to give us hope, love, color and happiness again.

The "gray, blah, colorless days" will fade and happiness and hope will begin to creep back in. Much love, God Bless, Mary

Nancy said...

Great news... and God is Great! My prayers for you continue.