Thursday, October 05, 2006


How do we balance taking care of those that are dying IN Christ and those that are dying WITHOUT Christ?

I have noticed, lately, that we spend so much energy taking care of people that are hurting, have cancer, or have some other problem...and they are Christians. As part of the Body, I believe this is essential to fulfill our duties in the Church... to take care of each other.

HOWEVER, it makes me also wonder about how much energy we are expending on making sure that those who are living without Christ don't die without him. Are we doing all we can, praying all we can, to make sure these people, who actually need us more than those in the church do, don't die without that salvation?

I am just as guilty as anyone, maybe more so, knowing that my siblings need Christ, and are making such horrible choices in their quest for happiness...

My questions are: when to open my mouth when they do something destructive, when to risk our relationship, when to keep it shut and make the most of other opportunities... HOW do I approach them about issues, make the most of every opportunity to love them...

Why isn't my heart breaking for them more? Why do I have thoughts that they're just on their own? That nothing I do matters?

Ever since we were kids, I haven't had great relationships with any of them, and when I became a Christian and made other choices than theirs, or questioned their choices, I just became a "priss"...and sometimes called worse than that. I thought when we were adults that would change, but I am so far away from them, and feel like they don't want to hear my point of view, and yet, there are glimmers of hope. They tell me the things in their lives, even when they know I won't agree with them, perhaps testing me to see if I will still love them?

I know God has a plan, and that I and my family are part of it. When Emily was born I felt like God told me that she would be instrumental in their salvation. I pray that when we move closer, that we will have more opportunity to love them closer to Him...